For me, first trimester is the most nervous, dull and long ( at least it feels like to me) trimester. First trimester is considered from 0 to 13 weeks. After finding out that I was pregnant, I had a mixed emotions in me and started taking care the very moment since I did not see this coming! 

First trimester is the trimester of emotions. Emotions filled with happiness that the family is growing, growing anxiety for first ultrasound, trying hard to keep it secret from the family and friends for the first few weeks and all that tiredness due to nausea.

Here are the top things you should expect to see coming in your first trimester..  

  1. Nausea  
    • Nausea is the very common symptom in the first trimester and you will feel it very often. It starts around 6 weeks and lasts until 13-14 weeks.  
  2. Fatigue  
    • Low energy or feeling tired is also one of the very common symptoms. If this happens, don’t over stress your body, try to rest as much as you can. 
  3. Vomiting 
    • Throwing up starts around 5-6 weeks and could be one of the very early symptoms of pregnancy. Try to eat less spicy foods with high nutritional value.  
  4. Sleepiness 
    • It is very common to feel sleepy during the early stages. If you feel so, take some time to take a refreshing nap. Listen to your body!    
  5. Abdominal cramps due to uterus stretching  
    • As soon as you are conceived, body starts stretching the uterus. Resulting, you might feel mild stretching like cramps in first trimester. But also, never ignore cramps or any kind of bleeding. Contact your doctor right away. 
  6. Smell aversions  
    • Smell aversions are very common in first trimester and might continue till the delivery. Feeling nauseas to certain smells, for example soap, cooking rice or certain spices smell might be symptoms. Watch out and avoid them as much as you can. 
  7. Being cranky  
    • With all those fluctuating baby making hormones, it is very natural to experience mood swings and being cranky. Your family support is very important at this time and you should yourself try to keep up at all the times. 
  8. Tender Breasts
    • This is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Hormonal changes cause tender or swollen breasts. Avoid wearing tight inners during this time.

First trimester is little bit hard of all the three I feel, whether you need to reveal it as soon as you found out are not is purely choice. Reveal when you feel it is most comfortable. As a mother, you know what is best for you and your family 🙂  

Either way, do not stress out too much for anything and try to stay optimistic. Happy pregnancy!