Started introducing purees to your baby? It is such a joyous time, to introduce new
foods to baby and watch all their little expressions to it.. Apricots are delicious
with slight tangy flavor. Giving it a touch with Creamy Avocado is one of my little
one’s favorite. I will walk you through my process of it, without any delay.

Apricot Avocado Puree for Baby


  1. Apricots
  2. Avocado
  3. Oats Cereal or any other cereal


  1. Choose one or two fresh apricots.
Fresh Apricots

2. Peel the skin off

Peel Apricot Skin

3. Chop into small pieces.

Apricot Pieces

4. Put into steamer.

Baby food maker – steamer and blender

5. It steams in less than 10 minutes, if cooked for long, it will become mushy.

Steamed Apricots

6. Now Add, half sliced Avocado and two spoons of Oats powder. 

Apricot Avocado Oats Puree

7. Blend it well

Apricot Avocado Puree

Apricot Avocado Puree is now ready! Depending on the consistency you can breast
milk, formula or boiled water whatever you would like. Serve it warm and watch your
little one smiling at you for this delicious puree.