Sweet Potatoes are one of the best solids to start your six month old. Sweet potato puree has a variety of mix of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. My little one loves having sweet potatoes all the time and is one of his yummiest favorite food.
- Sweet Potato
- Water
- Peel the skin off the sweet potato and cut it into small pieces.
- It needs to be cooked well until turned soft as babies tend to digest cooked foods
easily in their initial months of introduction to solids.
- You can use steaming on stove with a steaming bow or cook it with some water. I
personally use a baby food maker that steams and blends the food. I use it for veggies
and fruits. I bought it from Amazon, with a decent price and I use it all the time to
prepare fresh food.
- Put the sweet potato slices into the steamer jar. Turn the knob onto the steaming
mode and steam it for about 15 minutes until it is completely soft.
- Now pour the steamed slices into the mixer jar, you can keep the water from
steaming as it has some quality nutrients too. Blend it onto a smooth puree.
Serve warm to your little one. If the consistency is runny, you can add oats cereal or
any cereal to make it little thick. If the consistency is too thick, and your little one
prefers runny, you can add little breast milk, formula or sterilized water.
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